October 2013 - News & Events

"Now Autumn's fire burns slowly along the woods
and day by day the dead leaves fall and melt."
- William Allingham (American Hazelnut, Corylus americana)
and day by day the dead leaves fall and melt."
- William Allingham (American Hazelnut, Corylus americana)
NANPS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND FALL NATIVE PLANT RENTAL EVENT Saturday October 19th, 2013 12 – 4 p.m. Canada Room, Markham Civic Centre 101 Town Centre Blvd., Markham It has come to our attention that fall native plants are considered "merchandise". While we are permitted to "sell" our plants at a Spring Native Plant Sale at the Markham Civic Centre, we cannot do so at the AGM & Fall Native Plant Sale. So, we are re-branding as the NANPS AGM & Fall Native Plant Rental Event. Yes, we are "renting" or "fostering" or "gifting" out the native plants for the Oct. 19th meeting. As Harold Smith, Director of NANPS questioned: "So what if people grow attached to their plants and don't give them back?" The Scoop's answer: No worries - as long as you don't rent to own on the premises...whatever than means.
Time | Min. | Description |
12:00 pm | (30) | Plant rentals and sign in (door prizes), refreshments |
12:30 pm | (10) | President's address - Paul LaPorte |
12:40 pm | (10) | Jack Heath, Deputy Mayor, Markham - address |
12:50 pm | (10) | Current Board of Directors (introductions) - Eileen Atkinson Outgoing Directors' recognition awards - John Oyston Prospective new board members - Eileen Atkinson |
1:00 pm | (10) | New By-Law Vote - Alice Kong |
1:10 pm | (10) | Financial report - 2012 - Janice Keil (Via Harold) |
1:20 pm | (5) | Volunteer of the year Award - Joanne Fallowfield |
1:25 pm | (15) | Garden / Restoration Award presentations (Cass Stabler) Peterborough Ecology Garden |
1:40 pm | (10) | Jim French, (NANPS co-founder) H Smith - update |
1:50 pm | (20) | NANPS Conservation Award presentations - Jim French, Jim Hodgins Louise and Bill Ford, Wetland Restoration, Beaver Valley, Grey County |
2:10 pm | (30) | BREAK Refreshments, plant rentals, networking, comment cards. Please approach Paul Laporte or Eileen Atkinson if you wish more information about the nomination process regarding future board positions |
2:40 pm | (20) | Carole Sevilla Brown, Educational Outreach |
3:00 pm | (10) | Richard Woolger Award |
3:10 pm | (10) | Election of Board of Directors - Paul LaPorte |
3:20 pm | (30) | Moritz Sanio to speak about native plant seed collecting - Q&A |
3:50 pm | (10) | Excursion - John Oyston |
4:00 pm | (5) | Door prizes & draw |
4:05 pm | (5) | Concluding remarks. |
![]() Other NANPS Events
Seed Collecting at Oak Hills Farm
Sunday October 6th, 2013
Come to Oak Hills Farm and learn how to collect and save native plant seeds!
On Sunday, October 6th, take a drive to Northumberland County to learn about collecting and saving seeds at the beautiful 101 acre farm of NANPS Vice-president, John Oyston. The event will start at 10 a.m. with a short talk and demonstration by NANPS Director, Greg Hagan. We will then head out into a re-created four acre prairie and 120-tree arboretum to collect seeds. After a picnic lunch break we will learn how to prepare seeds for storage, stratification and scarification. The formal program will end about 2 p.m., but participants are welcome to stay longer to walk around the grounds or continue to prepare seeds for storage.
If you are interested in participating, please contact us as soon as possible.
- Participants will learn how to collect and preserve seeds and will be able to take some home for their own gardens. The rest will go to the NANPS seed exchange program and the contributors will get preferential treatment and best choices.
- NANPS will acquire a good stock and larger selection of native plant seeds for distribution to members through the Seed Exchange and for sale to the public at NANPS events. (Seeds draw people to our booths and are a good starting point for conversations about growing native plants.)
- More native plants will be grown, so there will be more habitat and food for the bees, butterflies, birds and other wildlife!
Planting the Right Seeds for Biodiversity
Speaker: Paul LaPorte, NANPS President Toronto Botanical Garden, 777 Lawrence Avenue E., Toronto Tuesday October 8th, 2013 7 - 9 p.m. Explore the intricate connections between native plants and insects/pollinators throughout the garden food chain. Learn how to establish a native plant garden with minimal effort and no chemicals. Discover how the North American Native Plant Society promotes native plants as an essential part of our ecology.
NANPS Members special price: $10 incl. tax
TBG Members & NANPS guests $25 + tax. Public $32 + tax.
Pre-register or register by phone: 416-397-1341 and pay on the course date.
Course No. [PG13F25].
Gardening: Creating a Prairie Garden
Speaker: John Oyston, NANPS Vice-President Toronto Botanical Garden, 777 Lawrence Avenue E., Toronto Tuesday October 22, 2013 7 - 9 p.m. Topics to be discussed will include:
- What is a prairie? Short and tall grass prairies, Meadows and Savannas Prairies in Ontario - historical range and present day remnants.
- Typical prairie species - grasses, forbs, animals Speaker's experience planting a 3 acre prairie at Oak Hills Farm Site preparation, plant list, sourcing seed, planting, controlled burn.
- Other prairies to visit in Ontario.
- How to incorporate prairie species into an urban garden Seed and plant sources.
NANPS Members special price: $10 incl. tax
TBG Members & NANPS guests $25 +tax. Public $32 +tax.
Pre-register or register by phone: 416-397-1341 and pay on the course date.
Course No. [PG13F33] |
![]() NANPS News
Let's put Ontario back in Ontario Place!
Recently, NANPS founder and Past President, Jim French, was interviewed by columnist, Joe Fiorito of the Toronto Star.
"Why don't we have a native plant reserve at Ontario Place? A place for residents and visitors, a place to show kids what a trillium looks like. In case you didn't know, the trillium is one of the symbols of the province."
Some think that Nature's beauty abounds in High Park. Well, what grows in High Park, shouldn't stay in High Park. With native plants, as we know, the more the merrier! Why should we be restricted to one showcase? Ontario Place or O.P. = Operation Plants (as in native plants).
Please support our campaign to have a native plant garden as part of the redevelopment of Ontario Place. Our Natural Heritage should not only be preserved, but showcased! |
![]() A Selection of Other Events
Join us for this tour through Rouge Park, Canada's premier urban wilderness park! Using the backdrop of the trees along the trail, we will discuss forest issues such as climate change, invasive species, pests and other pressures, as well as the benefits of forests, and how we can help increase the urban canopy. Free but registration recommended.
Native Plants Presentation and Beach Garden Society October 2013
General Meeting & Flower Show
Tuesday, October 15 7:15 p.m. - 9 p.m. Adam Beck Community Centre, 79 Lawlor Ave., Toronto Guest Speaker: Paul Heydon, owner of Grow WILD! New Members and Guests welcome - come early and enjoy informal discussions with members or check out our Library. Light refreshments served. For more information
Maple Leaf Forever Tree Tour
Saturday, October 26 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Maple Cottage, 62 Laing St., Toronto Host: LEAF. Tour Leaders: Mark Phillips, Toronto Parks, Forestry & Recreation; Councillor Mary-Margaret McMahon, Ward 32; Michael Finkelstein, Eco-Woodturner
The magnificent maple tree which, in 1867, inspired Alexander Muir to write "The Maple Leaf Forever", fell victim to an epic summer storm in July of this year. But did you know it will be getting a second life? Find out how the wood will be used to honor the cultural significance of this historic tree. Explore other trees in the neighbourhood and learn how you can salvage wood from your own trees to make beautiful furniture, bowls, and your own family heirlooms. Registration is required. $5 suggested donation.
Plant Identification Workshop: Using Dichotomous Keys
Friday, November 15 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Royal Botanical Gardens Are you looking to further develop your skills in using dichotomous keys to identify grasses, sedges, and rushes? Join us for a one day classroom-based workshop at Royal Botanical Gardens. Participants will have the opportunity to practice keying-out dried plant specimens in the classroom under the guidance of RBG's botanists and taxonomists. Terminology used in dichotomous keys will be reviewed and illustrated for graminoid groups. Bring along your hand lenses, botanical keys, and bring along your unidentified specimens!
* Participants must have completed one of RBG's two-day plant identification courses or have prior experience in using dichotomous keys and knowledge of botanical terminology.
Fee: $50 (RBG Members and students $40)
Pre-register by Nov. 5th. Maximum: 15 participants.
Register on-line (under Botanical ID workshops). |
![]() Other News
Calling all amateurs and professional photographers!
Canadian Wildlife Magazine's Reflections of Nature Photo Contest
Winning photos will be selected in five categories:
1. Flora
2. Fauna
3. Landscape
4. Urban Wildlife
5. Grand Prize
The contest will open at 12 a.m. E.S.T. on August 1, 2013, and ends at 11:59 p.m. E.S.T. on October 31, 2013. The winners will be notified by 5 p.m. on November 30, 2013. For both the professional and amateur contests, the grand prize winner will receive a $1,000 gift card to the retailer of their choice and a one-year subscription to Canadian Wildlife or Biosphère magazine - with their photos published in the January/February 2014 issue. The winners will also receive a poster of their photos courtesy of PosterJack.
Well, look who's Number 1! Flora, naturally!
Lots of events are going on in the natural world. Please check the Scoop Calendar for the latest.
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