September 3, 2013 - Invasive Alert!
Invasive Alert!
Invasive bamboo unleashed on the unsuspecting public in the U.S. to devastating consequences! Do not be tempted to buy running bamboo, Phyllostachys spp. It has been identified as invasive by the USDA (scroll down). At least five species are cold-hardy. In particular, Phyllostachys aureosulcata or yellow groove bamboo has been identified in several states, including Connecticut and New York as causing considerable damage to building foundations, sidewalks, roads, yards and natural areas. Some cities are starting to enact ordinances to control it. Closer to home and even more frightening, a company is trying to introduce it into Ontario under the pretense of rehabilitating landfill sites. The Scoop has been in touch with the federal government to try to get the low down on this particularly nasty invasive. In the meanwhile, it is up to us to help stop the importation of invasive species. If you see it for sale, please alert us. Don't buy! Spread the word, only - not the plant!
The campaign is aimed at cottagers but should be noted by everyone who visits natural areas as well. Invasive species may be joining you on vacation or your weekend hike. The OIPC is profiling one invasive species every day for 24 days leading up to the May 2-4 long weekends during low growth times.

Appeared in Blazing Star Fall 2013, Vol. 14, Issue 4