Janury 2013 - News & Events

NANPS Northumberland County Fall Prairie Tour, September 25, 2010
"Fortunately, something always remains to be harvested. So let us not be idle."
- Gustav Mahler
- Gustav Mahler
Call to Action - Idle No More!
To take up where the Occupy Movement left off or to overlap, depending on your point of view, the Idle No More movement is pollinating the land. It is good to see another big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii) grassroots effort sprout up to try to bring balance to the world as we know it. However, as with all great movements, they risk getting co-opted. It is to be expected. So, there's no reason why the Scoop can't give it a go. We have dipped momentarily into the pond of irreverence and taken Idle No More as a call to action. Our unsung heroes, volunteers, are the driving force, indeed, the only Force of Nature in NANPS. We had the Aid for Shining Tree Woods Survey-Garlic Mustard Pull (aka The Pickled Picnic...well, you had to be there) in June and the Plug for the Near Pond Planting in Markham in September. However, the last major appeal was for our Annual Plant Sale & Fundraiser in May. It's been a long break, but hopefully our volunteers are well rested and ready to lend a hand or two. Certainly, our new Board, flush with 15 super-volunteer members is biting at the frog-bit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae) to move on lots of ideas. They're tough, focused, and yes, they eat invasives for breakfast – the breakfast of bladder campions (Silene vulgaris)! |
We are Volunteers! We are #IdleNoMore! We are ready to take on the world! |
NANPS Events in various stages of ripening and in need of volunteers to tend: | |
Feb 2-3 | Guelph Organic Conference & Expo |
Feb 23 | TBG Get the Jump on Spring 2013 |
March 20 -24 | Canada Blooms (free entry!!!) |
May 11 | NANPS Annual Spring Plant Sale Fundraiser |
June 8 | NANPS Markham Civic Centre Pond/Wildflower Planting |
To help - contact | |
Details of all events are on the Scoop calendar | |
Other Events that are closer than we'd like to admit (note two NANPS events) | |
Jan 12 | Toronto Master Gardeners Tech Update - Water Wise Gardening |
Jan 13 | High Park Stewards presentation - Restoring Cities (including Natural Garden Exemption contention & updates) with NANPSter, Deborah Dale |
Jan 15 | CCC & ON Webinar - How Changes to Implementation of Ontario's Endangered Species Act (ESA) May Affect Biodiversity: Join the Discussion |
Jan 17 | Evening with author, John Bacher - Toward a Billion More Trees in Ontario |
Jan 17 | TBG Student Exhibition Opening - botanical artists & photographers |
Jan. 26 | Koffler Scientific Reserve - Trees in Winter Nature walks |
March 7 | NANPS Speaker Series lecture on Green Roofs at U of T |
April 17 | TBG lecture - John Oyston, NANPS Director will talk about garden plants which can invade wild areas, and how to deal with invasive species on your property |
Many more events are on the Scoop calendar which has always had a search feature (the triangle - second button from the "administration" box on the right side). Search to your heart's desire. |
The New Year The New Year always brings things into focus, including something that most dread – The New Year's Resolution. Did you resolve to renew your NANPS membership sooner rather than later? It's not too late. Sign up now online with Paypal/major credit card or print out the form and mail it in. Here's the difficult part. Choose between receiving the newsletter, the Blazing Star, in digital format (full colour) or print copy or both. |
And while you are at it, did you resolve to keep more in touch with NANPS? NANPS has a Facebook page, a Facebook group, Twitter account and is now on LinkedIn. Adam is our go-to guy . Also, we are looking at a revamp of the website with more colour and panache. These things take time, but we are getting there. |

Photo by ScoopAssist
Pan Am/Parapan Am Games Toronto 2015 Mascot Creation Challenge (deadline March 8, 2013) Okay, NANPSters! The Scoop does not have a tray of young sprouts to grow this idea and needs your help. Are you in control of young impressionable minds that are creative and artistic? The Scoop has a task for you; even if it is to alert others you may know who could help. The idea is to have our iconic Monarch Butterfly as the Official Mascot of the games. Yes, the Scoop admits that we have a not-so hidden agenda. As NANPSters, we want to create more habitat for wildlife in our own domain. We need to create a mascot who will espouse our ideals. More Info... |

New in the News
Invasive Species Education & Outreach Compendium:
Materials and Resources in Ontario 2012 "The Invasive Species Education and Outreach Compendium provides information about invasive species communications materials available in Ontario. The resources listed are organized by species and by pathway of spread to make the Compendium easy to use. Agencies, organizations and individuals involved in invasive species education and outreach programs are encouraged to add these materials to their communications plans and to coordinate with others doing similar education and outreach work." |
Biodiversity & Invasive Species Purchase Awards – Juried Art Competition
Invasive Species Centre based in Sault Ste. Marie is inviting artists to create two-dimensional artworks of any archival media in the themes of biodiversity and/or invasive species. Final acceptance of digital submissions will be Friday, February 8th, 2013 at 11:59:59 p.m. Only digital images will be considered by the jury – do not send original work or alternate formats. |
Invading Species Can Extinguish Native Plants Despite Recent Reports to the Contrary Extinction by slow stealth (temporal lag)! Our native plants are living on the edge if their habitat is invaded by exotics. "Invasion has created isolated 'islands of native plants' in a sea of exotics," says Gilbert. "This has decreased the size of native habitats, which reduces seed production and increases local extinction. It also makes it much harder for native plants to recolonize following a local extinction." (Benjamin Gilbert, local researcher, U of T, Dept. of EEB) |
Drop Your Drawers...and Dresser, too.
The Toronto Botanical Garden is looking for old dressers, side tables and wardrobes to use in their Canada Blooms booth this year. They'll take them as long as your drawers aren't too droopy and are relatively sturdy. Don't worry about the surface. The dressers will be spruced up and used as planters or merchandise displays at Canada's largest garden show, Canada Blooms, in March. They would be grateful if you could drop off your piece at the TBG; but if this is a problem, they can arrange pick up in the Toronto Area. Note: Please - no IKEA dressers with or without IKEA monkeys (particularly in double-breasted shearling coats). |

To ensure delivery of The Scoop, please add scoop@nanps.org to your email address book or Safe List. |
The views expressed are of The Scoop and do not necessarily reflect The Local Scoop, its parent company (NANPS), subsidiaries, affiliates, verticals, hangers-on or even those of the Spokesplant. |
You have been sent this message because you are a current NANPS member or perhaps you were a member in your plant life. We do not trade or sell any of the information collected - we just plant you in our database and send email blasts to keep you informed of all NANPS events. |
Please email scoop@TheLocalScoop.org if you would like to change your e-mail address in our database. |
If you would prefer not to receive news about NANPS in the future, we will try to understand. You may unsubscribe from future mailings by replying to this message with the words "remove me" in the subject line, and we will take you off our list immediately, if not before. |