mid-April 2011 - News & Events

Artwork by: ScoopArt
Fear not! You still have a few days left to order local native plants from the NANPS online list, but only until midnight this Sunday, April 17th! Don't miss out! After that, you will be at the mercy of the vagaries of the selection on the plant sale floor at the Markham Civic Centre. Not a great scenario, as you will be delirious after camping overnight outside the front door.
"When you get right down to it, deadheading is a gardener's means of fooling Mother Nature!" (Rosemagazine.com) Well, we're not trying to fool anyone, let alone Mother Nature, a.k.a., "She Who Must Be Obeyed" (SWMBO). But, we are always hopeful that just the threat of deadheading will result in a copious bloom of last-minute orders.
As usual, our crew on the Plant Sale Committee has been working feverishly to bring you another great plant sale. By pre-ordering, you have a much better chance of getting the plants you want. However, sometimes we are surprised when some plants don't materialize either due to adverse growing conditions or an overwhelming demand for certain species. It is on a first-come, first-serve basis, so you little spring beauties that were early in queue will have an even greater chance of fulfilling your wishes. In the event of a shortfall, you can make a substitution of equal value.
Take a break and peel your eyes off the plants for awhile. We are offering two interesting free talks on May 7th:
11:00 a.m. Making it Work. How to Create Pollinator Habitat in Your City with Vicki Beard.
Vicki is a Master Gardener, a wonderful gourd sculptor, a City of Guelph Councillor from 2006 to 2010, and a founding member of Pollination Guelph. She received the 2007 North American Pollinator Protection Campaign Pollinator Advocate Award, as well as the 2009 NANPS Garden/Restoration award.
12:00 p.m. Invasive Garden Plants with Colleen Cirillo.
Colleen, who works for Toronto & Region Conservation Authority, initiated the Healthy Yards Program in 2003 and co-founded the Horticulture Outreach Collaborative in 2009. Currently, she is coordinating the recently formed Green Infrastructure Ontario Coalition.
Colleen, who works for Toronto & Region Conservation Authority, initiated the Healthy Yards Program in 2003 and co-founded the Horticulture Outreach Collaborative in 2009. Currently, she is coordinating the recently formed Green Infrastructure Ontario Coalition.
You'll have the opportunity to ask questions at the "Ask an Expert" table or chat with a representative from the Toronto Entomologists' Association as well as Sabrina Malach, organizer of the Pollinator Festival at the Brickworks.
Volunteers Needed:
A driver is needed on Friday May 6th to bring plants from Whitby. A cashier is needed Saturday May 7th for the sale. Please contact volunteer@nanps.org.
A driver is needed on Friday May 6th to bring plants from Whitby. A cashier is needed Saturday May 7th for the sale. Please contact volunteer@nanps.org.

These dates are closer than they appear
These dates are closer than they appear
April 15-17: |
Green Living Show, Toronto |
April 16: |
Walk on the Wild Side, Pickering |
April 17: |
1st Seedy Sunday in York Region, Aurora |
April 18: |
Free Workshop - Your Green Yard, Brampton |
April 22: |
April 22: |
Life in the City - A Nature Walk in the Heart of Toronto, ROM |
April 23: |
Workshop - Photography in the wild, King City |
April 26-27: |
Conference - Soils and Urban Trees, TBG |
April 26: |
Wildflowers: Bringing Beauty and Biodiversity into the Garden, TBG |
April 27: |
Thickson's Woods Walk, Pickering |
April 27: |
Solutions from the Underground: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World |
April 30: |
One Day Tree Seedling Sale, Dufferin County |
April 30: |
The Weird but Wonderful World of Insects, TBG |
April 30: |
Seedy Saturday at Everdale, Hillsburgh |
April 30: |
A Taste of RBG - Serving Up Our Gardens, RBG |
Check the Scoop Calendar for more info and the latest listings.

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